Send a custom online rental application
It's easy to send an online rental application
- Enter the applicant's name and email, then click "Send Invite"
- You can also copy the property listing link or this link and post it on your advertising or text it
Review applications
- Receive an email when someone completes their online rental application
- See a list of all the applications you have received
- If you like an application, easily request a full credit and background check
Welcome Sue,
You have been invited to fill out an application. After you fill it out, you will be able to review, edit, and share the application.
Let's get started by clicking the application button below.
Go to your custom application
If the link above does not work, copy this URL into your web browser's address bar:
ScheduleMyRent Team
Applicants receive an e-mail or link
Applicants fill out the online rental application
(enter on computer, tablet, or phone)
Custom requirements and disclosures (optional)
- You can add this custom section with any requirements or disclosures that you want an applicant to see
- Applicants are required to click the "I agree" box to continue
- This text is only an example. Please consult with your attorney to comply with your state and local requirements.
Personal information
- Legal Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Phone Number
Employment history
- Employer
- Title
- Start Date
- End Date
- Monthly income
- Address
- Contact name, e-mail, and phone
- Comments
- Upload proof of employment history (pay stub, etc.)
Additional income
- Source
- Monthly amount
- Comments
- Upload proof of additional income (pay stub, statement, etc.)
Residence History
- Move-in date
- Move-out date
- Monthly rent
- Address
- Landlord name, address, and phone
- Comments
- Upload resident history documents (utility bills, lease, etc.)
- Reference name, email, and phone
- Relationship
- Years known
- Comments
Emergency Contacts
- Emergency contact name, email, and phone
- Relationship
- Comments
- Name
- Type
- Weight (lbs)
- Description
- Comments
- Upload pet information (picture of the pet, shot records, service animal papers, etc.)
Other Questions
(Additional information is requested on the online rental application if the answer is yes)
- Do you smoke?
- Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 7 years?
- Have you ever been evicted?
- Have you ever stopped paying rent when it was due?
- You can add additional custom questions to this section from the setup/application screen
Co-applicants and Co-signers
- Name, e-mail, and phone
- Relationship
- Comments
Additional Documentation
- Upload any other documentation for the landlord to consider
Online Rental Application sharing
- Landlord name, e-mail, and phone
- Applicant Authorization Box:
I authorize an investigation of my credit, tenant history, banking, employment, income, criminal background, and other information provided regarding my rental application.
You are updated when an online application is complete
Hi Bill,
An application has been shared with you. Please login to your account and look under applications on the left menu bar to view the application.
You can also request a full credit report and background check from the applicant by clicking on the credit and background check button.
- Unit: Sunset Apartments #1
- Applicant Name: Sue Smith
Go to your custom application
If the link above does not work, copy this URL into your web browser's address bar:
ScheduleMyRent Team
Landlords receive an e-mail when an applicant shares an application.
Sort and filter your list of online rental applications
Online Rental Application List
- Sort by the unit, date/time, or by the applicant's name
- Filter the list by the unit, date/time, and by the applicant's name
- View: Click to see the completed application
- Hide: Click when you are done reviewing an application. You can always
un-hide an application if you need to review it again.
- Credit & Background Check: Click and the applicant is automatically sent a
request to authorize and pay for a full credit and background check. You are notified when the
applicant does this.
Take notes on your online rental application approval/decline decision
Decision Notes
- Use this section to record the approval/decline status and any notes you wish to keep. This section is
optional and only viewable by the landlord.
- Approval State: Select if the application was approved or declined
- Notes: Add notes about the applicant and decision
Customize your application
Custom requirements and disclosures
- Enter custom requirement and disclosure text that will be shown at the top of applications
- This text is only an example. Please consult with your attorney to comply with your state and local requirements.
Custom questions
- Enter one or more custom questions that will be shown on your application
- Check mark the "Is answer required?" box if you require the applicant to provide an answer for this question