Save and Share Lease Agreements and other Documents

Never misplace a document again

Save time and stay organized by uploading and saving lease agreements, pictures, or other documents. You can share documents with all tenants on a lease and tenants can also share documents with you.

Rental Property Management Software - Landlords can save and share lease agreements and other documents

My Documents:

  • Click "Add new document" and enter the title and description of the lease agreement, then select a file or select the camera to take a picture
  • You have the option to notify tenants that a document has been shared
  • Click Save if you want to store and not share the document
  • Click Share if you want to save and share the document with all tenants on the lease
  • You can start and stop sharing a lease agreement with tenants by clicking the Share and Stop Sharing buttons

Documents shared with you:

  • See a list of all documents that tenants have shared with you
  • Use the action buttons to view or download each document

Tenants can see documents and lease agreements that you shared with them and can share documents with you.

Rental Property Management Software - Tenants can share documents with landlords

My Documents (Tenant Screen):

  • Tenants can share documents with you, such as proof of rental insurance
  • All documents are automatically shared and you are sent a new document notice

Documents shared with you (Tenant Screen):

  • Tenants see a list of all documents and lease agreements that are being shared
  • Use the action buttons to view or download each document
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