Landlord Software 

Why Every Rental Property Should Use a Landlord Software

by Kris

Posted on Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 02:19PM in General

Every Rental Property Should Use a Landlord Software

There's a reason why countless properties are making the switch to an online landlord software: it plays a pivotal role in creating a streamlined and smoother rental process for all parties involved. 

4 Key Benefits of Using a Landlord Software

There is no doubt that online software will improve the ways that a rental property runs. Here are four perks of landlord and rental property software that benefit both landlords and tenants alike:

#1: Quicker and Consistent Payments

Paying rent has never been easier than with an online software. Not only can tenants set up autopayments with their choice of a preferred method of payment, but landlords also get their money much faster without having to go to the bank and wait for checks to clear.

#2: Affordable Pricing

The beauty of working with landlord software, especially with Schedule My Rent, is its affordable price tag. There is no setup, monthly, or minimum fee to worry about, making the incredible features of the software worth a great value.

#3: Customizable Features

Online landlord software offers a level of customizability to fit the unique needs of each landlord and tenant. Some of these features include the choice to split the rent between roommates, choice of payment method, custom late and return fees, and so much more.

#4: Better Organization

Running a rental property is difficult enough, let alone also having to organize the tenant’s physical rental checks, paperwork, and requests across multiple platforms. The great part about an online system is that it allows landlords to track charges and payments, maintenance requests, and expenses all in one centralized place.

Schedule My Rent Makes Landlord and Tenants Lives Easier

To work with a landlord software trusted by thousands of users, schedule a 30 day free trial with Schedule My Rent today!

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